Fight Crime by ... Banning Pizza!

Jim Graham, a Washington D.C. councilman, has an unusual proposal to fight crime in his neighborhood: ban pizza!

Democrat Party councilman Jim Graham says the late-night “Jumbo Slice” pizza shacks operating on the popular Adams Morgan club and bar strip in Ward 1 attract the element that is likely to commit crime.

“Even though it’s a legal business and everything, they have become a nuisance,” Graham said. “Behaving the way they do in terms of music, in terms of letting people hang out and also in terms of tolerating a certain level of violence.”

Needless to say, the pizza joint owner is not amused: Link

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@bluejay: I feel your frustration. I'm sick of it too. Polling suggests that people don't like the sound of "Democrat Party" as much as "Democratic Party" so a few years ago, there was an internal push by the GOP to publicly use the term Democrat Party as much as possible.
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