Creature Comforts: For What, Nuts?

For their latest animation, Animal Planet and Aardman Animations (creators of Wallace and Gromit) interviewed the average (ok, some of them unusually lazy) working stiffs in America about working, birds, and love, then set their real responses into a claymation feature called Creature Comforts US: For What, Nuts?

This one is precious (check out the background):

I don't think I spend a lot of time trying to convince my boss that I'm dedicated cuz that just gonna lead us down the road to more trouble like asking me to do more work ... and also, I don't want to be in those meetings that they have for where all those dedicated people go to ...


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by sefa.

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Newest 5 Comments

Damn that was awesome! It just gets better toward the end. The raccoon laying in the garbage can saying "falling in love means falling out of love with every expectation you had" is so full of win it's beyond funny.
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