International Pillow Fight Day

Today (April 4th) is International Pillow Fight Day; and from Amsterdam to Kuala Lampur, more than 70 cities around the world (including NYC and Moscow) have scheduled a place and time for an old-fashioned pillow fight.

It sounds like a lot of fun and for sure it is a way of getting rid of some anger issues without doing any harm!

Check some pictures and videos from previous city pillow fights and see if there is one scheduled in your city.

Link - via uglydoggy

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by scbr.

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We hosted a small pillow fight in Cape Town. Was awesome!

New York hit over 5k people! That's crazy cleanup... I reckon anything under 1k is do-able in terms of cleanup. But I can see how 5000 people are a bit difficult to clean up after. Thus the importance of proper organization and responsible event management.
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I read a story recently about a city that's considering not doing the big public pillow fight, because the cost of the cleanup following the last one was in the six figures. The participants made a huge mess and left it for 'them' to clean up. Slobs.
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My buddies and I would do it to relieve tension in high school. We'd go into a typical sized bedroom, turn off the lights, and just go nuts with the pillows.

And that was the gayest thing I ever said.
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