Are Classic Games like Candyland and Battleship Devoid of any Decision-Making?

Blogger Steven Johnson took a close look at a couple of the classic games of our childhood and came to a sobering conclusion: games like Battleship and Candyland require virtually no real decision-making whatsoever. I wonder, does this makes them any more or less enjoyable?

...there is absolutely nothing about the initial exploratory sequence of Battleship that requires anything resembling a genuine decision. It is a roulette wheel. A random number generator could easily stay competitive for the first half...And Battleship might as well be Battleship Potemkin compared to something like Candy Land, which was fiendishly designed to prevent the player from ever having to make a single decision while playing the game...

Link - via boingboing

From the Upcoming Queue, submitted by mrbabyman.

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These games make me so addicted to them i just want to play them alot and do fun things with my friends all night while playing games:))))))))))))))))))))
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We played the alternate Candy Land rules with my 3 year old daughter and she loved it. You pick up 2 cards and choose which one to use.
She would pick ones that didn't take her as far in exchange for another chance to take a jump ahead. She would also choose cards that would make the game last longer so someone sent back to the Ginger Bread Man would have time to catch up.
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I too clicked on the comments section to argue that Battleship is not random. There is not much depth to the strategy, but if you hit A2 and B1 and hit nothing, then there is no reason to attack A1.
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