A Romanian man named Gheroghe Stirbu was accidentally declared dead by government bureaucrats and had to go to court to force the government to re-register him as alive:
Bungling civil servants had mixed him up with another man but although Stirbu pointed out what they had done they refused to acknowledge their mistake until Stirbu won a 12 month legal claim to be declared alive.
Judges renewed his status as alive - and then charged him ?500 in court costs.
Mr Stirbu said: "When the judge ruled in my favour I was absolutely delighted - and then seconds later was absolutely shocked when I found out I would have to pay so much in legal bills.
"I will of course appeal the imposition of the costs but I am already beginning to wonder whether or not I would have been better off staying dead." - ananova.com
Link via DoublePlusUndead
Image via flickr user ambergis
Bungling civil servants had mixed him up with another man but although Stirbu pointed out what they had done they refused to acknowledge their mistake until Stirbu won a 12 month legal claim to be declared alive.
Judges renewed his status as alive - and then charged him ?500 in court costs.
Mr Stirbu said: "When the judge ruled in my favour I was absolutely delighted - and then seconds later was absolutely shocked when I found out I would have to pay so much in legal bills.
"I will of course appeal the imposition of the costs but I am already beginning to wonder whether or not I would have been better off staying dead." - ananova.com
Link via DoublePlusUndead
Image via flickr user ambergis
Newest 5 Comments
So true Christophe, but then he probably couldn't get a job either.
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he is the 'Living Dead!'
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and that's why, you always leave a note!
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killing yourself to live?
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Stupid fight : when you're dead you don't pay taxes ;)
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