Adolf Hitler Gets No Love (or Cake)

Heath and Deborah Campbell wanted a birthday cake for their son, but a local supermarket refused their order because of the boy's name: Adolf Hitler!

Deborah Campbell, 25, of nearby Hunterdon County, N.J., said she phoned in her order last week to the Greenwich ShopRite. When she told the bakery department she wanted her son's name spelled out, she was told to talk to a supervisor, who denied the request.

Karen Meleta, a ShopRite spokeswoman, said the store denied similar requests from the Campbells the last two years, including a request for a swastika.

"We reserve the right not to print anything on the cake that we deem to be inappropriate," Meleta said. "We considered this inappropriate."

Why did they choose that name?

Heath Campbell said he named his son after Adolf Hitler because he liked the name and because "no one else in the world would have that name."

The Campbells' two other children are named JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, who turns 2 in a few months, and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell, who will be 1 in April.

Campbell said he was raised not to avoid people of other races but not to mix with them socially or romantically. But he said he would try to raise his children differently.

Link - Thanks Denita!

(Photo: Rich Schultz/AP)

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you wanna know why no one else in the whole wide world would ever have that name ? because NORMAL parents don't name their children after men who polluted the minds of millions of germans (from some peoples point of views condeming them all to hell) and murdered millions of jewish (children included) for no reason at all. i feel sorry for this kid because he's been cursed with the name of a guy who would have to be the single most hated person in the history of FOREVER :(
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Darn! And I was going to name my kid Achmed Barack Hitler Stalin Bush Cheney Bin Ladin Obama. They took my idea! Lol. These people should be castrated, and the kids should be re-named and sent to a different family. No, never mind. They should all be deported to some stinking hell-hole of a country.
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Ignorant people do not deserve the press of being denied a cake from a bakery. They knowingly named their children with racism to draw attention to themselves to help spread their hate. The media shouldn't continue to indulge that, nor should neatorama.
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