The Great Male Survey of 2008

AskMen asked over 75,000 men about what it means to be a "modern man" and got a very interesting set of answers (Some answers are as expected, but quite a few are surprising).

Who and what is "the modern man"? Arriving at a definition tends to involve making a lot of assumptions, and descriptions of the modern man are varied and plenty: there's the player, the family man, the workaholic, the dandy (to name just a few). Determining whether or not any of these portrayals are factual largely boils down to a single question: Is there any real data to back them up?

Here's the result of the Great Male Survey of 2008:

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The graphs are a joke. No secondary analysis of information is done, leading to misleading results.

Q5: What type of shampoo
Winner (at 37%): It's a specialty shampoo.

63% selected either: it's the one I've always used, or no specific type, or it's cheap

The true message is most guys don't care.

Example 2:
Q:What perception about your car?
Winner (at 41%): I don't give a damn

But 59% either want to impress, or not be embarassed.

The true message is most guys care about their image when it comes to their car.
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That sure was an interesting survey. some things I'd have to agree with whole heartedly, but others seemed the results were skewed by participants. overall very interesting though.
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The thing about the graph is, it's a female graph for a male subject. The gender is all wrong. Men like hard facts, solid graphs, concrete ideas. Women prefer the soft, fading gradients.

That's why it doesn't work.
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