The Truth About Recycling

Some of the things you've always heard about recycling may have been true at one time, but times change. Other things may be partially true, but you'll get the whole explanation at Popular Mechanics, in the post Recycling Myths: PM Debunks 5 Half Truths about Recycling. Altogether, recycling is becoming easier and more cost-effective every year! -Thanks, Geekazoid!

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We have the problem that we live in a complex - on the 1st floor - and our flat is a small 2 bedroom flat - we have had to hav thegarbage bin built intoa cupboard & have almost no cupboard space for our food and our dishes. I used to recylcein he UKwhen we used the Green Box scheme' - we could place all recyclabls in the one rate and leave it outside on Recycling collection day. But ow wehave no space for a separate recycling bin in our kitchen trust me - there really is nowhere for it to go. Im moving to a place soon where I will have space for another bag but what can my mum do - ? She hates throwing recyclables away - but she cant be running down the stairs and across the complex into the rubbish building each time she has used a tin or finished a plastic milk carton.... Tough one. Thanks for any advice - my email is

Many thanks - have a great day!
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which goes to show there is cash in recycling, by the way I stick a lot of my stuff in the worm bin this cuts out a lot of the problems...
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Landfills work great and we have enough land in the U.S.A to last THOUSANDS of years. The gas produced by a land fill is turned in to power through steam generation.

I refuse to buy anything that is recycled. They always sell recycled stuff at about the same price as virgin, but their cost is only 10% of total price. I see that as a 90% markup to take advance of people.

Stop smoking pot and let your brain clear.
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@Edward and Sid - thanks for explaining recycle vs reuse

@Miss Cellania - that's some great reuse

@Kev - "lukewarm about plastic recycling" fits me pretty well too.
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hah hah... I said "rapid", when I meant "rabid". :-)

Yeah, recycling Alumin(i)um is a no brainer it saves a ton of energy. The other materials get more questionable. The PM article (I read the print version) is pretty good.
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