I posted way back in March that I was going to give National Novel Writing Month a shot this year. Uh, November came up really fast. But I've made good on my post - I'm working on the novel. I'm a bit behind, I admit - I started a couple of days late. I need to be averaging about 1,700 words a day to hit the 50,000 quota by November 30th (I know, 1,700 times 30 = 51,000, but 1,700 is a nice, round number). I should be at 8,500 words; I'm actually at 5,237 words.
A number of you said you were participating, too. Are you where you wanted to be on the word count? How's it going? Share your experience in the comments. I could use some inspiration!
Oh, here's my page, if you're interested.
Good luck, fellow NaNo-ers!