Cooking with Balls

Chef Ljubomir Erovic of Serbia has published the world's first cookbook on cooking with balls.

No, he didn't mean that figuratively (like how to cook boldly or anything like that). He meant cooking testicles!

The Testicle Cookbook - Cooking With Balls includes author Ljubomir Erovic's favourite dishes, like testicle pizza and battered testicles.

The e-book, available for download, comes with handy video guides showing the Serb peeling the skin off testicles and slicing them up into bite-size chunks.

The ingredients for his testicle pizza recipe include cheese, onion, pepper, bacon and bull's testicles. "It's Italian pizza with Serbian balls", explains Erovic. The book also contains more cordon bleu recipes, such as calf testicles in wine and testicles with bourgignon sauce.

"The tastiest testicles in my opinion probably come from bulls, stallions or ostriches, although other people have their own favourites," he said. "All testicles can be eaten - except human, of course."

Link | The e-book at Yudu | Sample pages, with embedded video clips

Here's the free sample (with video clips): Link

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In Spain, the bull's balls are called "criadillas". Many people like it, buy I canĀ“t eat it because of their taste. I prefer tongues or faces of the animals (pigs, beef). They taste delicious.
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