Some of the big airplanes flying today have wingspans that are longer than the entire path the Wright Brothers took on the first powered flight! Dark Roasted Blend has a rundown on the biggest ever. Pictured is the Ka-7, a Russian plane from the 1930s. Link
Some of the big airplanes flying today have wingspans that are longer than the entire path the Wright Brothers took on the first powered flight! Dark Roasted Blend has a rundown on the biggest ever. Pictured is the Ka-7, a Russian plane from the 1930s. Link
I've had a bunch of these pics for a while, and have been trying to track down the source. First thing is, they seem to be cg in origin, not the grainy black and white pics that would have been.
The Ka -7 did exist. It was smaller than this, and an utter disaster. It vibrated so badly that its first test flight was abandoned just five metres (15 feet) off the ground. After major modification it flew again.. And crashed.
But if anybody can give the true origins of these pictures, I'd be grateful... Oh.. and don't say "Dark Roasted", they also confuse fiction with reality. The curse of the web, if you see it on the web, it MUST be true.