Tenant from Hell: Renter Apparently Didn't Believe in Taking Out the Trash

Talk about living like a slob! Landlord Chris Dowling found out - the hard way - that a tenant in his property didn't believe in throwing out the garbage:

DIRTY tenant turned his home into a rubbish tip by cramming it with more than 1000 burger and Kentucky Fried Chicken cartons. Landlord Chris Dowling couldn't believe his eyes, or nose, when confronted with the squalor the man had left behind.

The mountain of burger cartons, bags and other rubbish in the living room of the £100,000 flat was so huge that Chris struggled to force his way through it. More McDonald's and KFC cartons were piled high around the bed.

And when Chris made it to the bathroom, he found that the tenant had left a giant heap of cigarette ends on the sink. Chris, 57, said: "In 15 years of running properties I've never come across anything like this - and we see all sorts. "The tenant had also been smoking without opening windows and there were nicotine stains dripping from the walls. "It smelled like a giant ashtray. I can't imagine how anyone can live like that."

Link - via Arbroath

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Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. WHOA!

You guys have to also think about the fact that the dude never got one complaint from anybody around him to rouse the Landlord to even drop by once in a while!!!!!!!!!!!! Think about THAT!
The dude lived there for 3 years without even a sniff or a hint of trouble from the neighbors.
The dude lived so quietly and peacefully that the Landlord didn't even have any clue as to what the guy was doing to his property!!!!!
The place must have never had any plumbing, electrical, roofing, tiling, window, cable, mail problems?????????????????????????????????????????

FOR 3 YEARS????????????????????

If you owned a property, wouldn't you just drop by to check in and see how the place is doing, if it needs any sort of touching up at all?
The Landlord didn't even suspect for a minute that there was nothing wrong, just because he didn't hear from the tenant?

That is absolute stupidity, all around.

The Landlord is also to blame to let this happen to his own place.
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I can understand not liking to clean, as in scrubbing with a brush on your hands and knees. But I don't get not being able to get a trash bag and throw crap away. I mean decaying food, paper trash, just STUFF. If you ever watch Clean House on the Style Network, it seems like 50% of the clutter is clothes. GET SOME LAUNDRY HAMPERS, throw things in the closet and quickly shut the door. ANYTHING would be better than just leaving your clothes on the floor to walk on.
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