When Kangaroo Attacks ...

Lesson for today: Don't ever get between a kangaroo and its pack, mmkay? Here's what happened to a jogger who got attacked by a 'roo:

Metropolitan Ambulance Service spokeswoman Christine Paterson says the man, in his 50s, was attacked Monday as he apparently ran between a male and female kangaroo near his home at an outer suburb of Melbourne.

She says the victim ran to a nearby house and telephoned for help while the kangaroo hopped away.

http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/09/01/kangaroo.jogger.attack.ap/index.html - Thanks Tiffany!

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Yeah, Roos can get mighty big,and when a male, or Boomer,gets up on his back legs he can cause some serious damage.

And I think the collective noun for Roos is a Mob.

Some sat troop, some say court, but the black fellas say Mob and that's pretty much good enough for me.
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