Great Literature You've Never Read

Do you think you're the only one that skipped great works of English classic literature? Well, here's a little secret: even respectable authors didn't read 'em!

At the literary festival Ways With Words 2008, The Daily Telegraph asks established authors which books they are most embarrassed to admit they've never read:

During this year's Ways With Words festival at Dartington Hall, Devon, we would collar our guests and ask: what's the book you're most ashamed of never having read?

Would the eminent Cambridge classicist admit to The Iliad? Would V S Naipaul's old editor cop to A Bend In The River?

Or would the former schoolmate of a fellow guest confess - with apparent relish - to never having read a word his old friend has written?

Link - via Chasing the Southern Cross

So - 'fess up: what works of literature are you ashamed of never having read?

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"Never finished The Bible. Never even finished Genesis.
Actually. I take that back. It doesn’t really matter. I’m not even Christian."

I'm not either, but I read the Bible for its literary/historical/cultural importance.
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The classics are rubbish... Fair enough then, guilty feelings of missing out completely dispelled by ignorance. I feel better.

I finshed reading Jude the Obscure last year. It took me ages but was worth it. Also, after it came up in a pub quiz last week I started reading Pepys' Diary at the weekend as ignorance of its historical significance has always caused me some shame. I'm only about thirty pages in but I'm really enjoying it.

Oh, and according to my mates at the pub I should be ashamed that I've never read The Godfather but then, I didn't even finish the film.
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Ugh... I've never read One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest and my father constantly makes references to it. Oy.

I keep telling myself I'll read it but I keep finding other books to read instead.
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