Is the iPhone Sexist?

That's what women with long fingernails are complaining about the iPhone. Because the iPhone multi-touch screen works by detecting electrical conductance of your finger, fingernails or stylus don't work:

She and other women who have long nails -- as well as people of all genders with chunky fingers -- have real trouble typing on the iPhone. The 39-year-old consultant and lecturer, who says her fingernails are typically between one-eighth and one-quarter of an inch long, wants the iPhone to include a stylus.

"Considering ergonomics and user studies indicating men and women use their fingers and nails differently, why does Apple persist in this misogyny?"

Link - via reddit

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"I thought the whole point of long nails was to show that you were so well off you dont need to do anything with your hands. "

Funny, I only had long nails when I was a corporate rodent. Now that I am a lady of leisure, I keep them short so that I can do fun stuff like racing cars and digging around in the garden.

I agree that the claim that the iPhone is sexist is stupid, but really, folks, how judgemental.
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heck though if you want the nails as a fashion statement . . who am I to say otherwise. . But damn leave apple alone and get a different phone.

Sexist . . My god!

Are Treadmills sexist because they dont work with High Heels?
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"This just in - also discriminating against women with long stupid fingernails: pianos, guitars, shoelaces, and pretty much everything else in the world."


I thought the whole point of long nails was to show that you were so well off you dont need to do anything with your hands. In that case why the F do you need an I phone. Puuhleeese
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