What is it? Game 65

Yup - it's one day early, but here it is: our weekly collaboration with What is it? blog. Do you know what this strange tool is used for?

Place your guess(es) in the comment section - one guess per comment, but you can enter as many as you can think of. Please post no URL (let others play). First person who guessed right will win a free Neatorama T-shirt! If no one got it right, then the funniest guess will win it instead.

Check out What is it? Blog for more clues. Good luck!

Update 6/6/08 - The answer is: A lumberjack's log marking hammer, two more rows of numbers could be attached to the head. Congrats to Paul D. who got it right!

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It is a tool used by angry school teachers during the early 1900s to grade tests. It didn't have enough dials for a 100%, which lowered students' self esteem, thereby contributing to Russia's lead in the 'space race.'
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