Running Around the World

Robert Garside was the first man to run all the way round the world.
With almost no money to his name, he started running. His adventures during the trek included being shot at in South Africa, almost shot in Panama, imprisoned in China and nearly mugged in Mexico. On the plus side, he met his wife in Venezuela. The run took him five years but he did manage to do it and got a Guinness World Record title for his efforts.

Garside’s story is just one of 18 Of The Most Insane Journeys In Recent History. You’ll also see the guy who swam the Atlantic, the woman who walked for 30 years to promote peace, and the 19th century woman who rode around the world on a bicycle! Link

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My guru, His Holiness Bhaktimarga Swami, a Hare Krishna monk, has walked across Canada, coast to coast, three times.
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