10 Best "Robbery Gone Wrong" Movie Scenes

In movies, as in life, things often don't go as planned. And when plans go awry during film robberies, things can quickly spiral out of control.

The folks at Always Watching blog have a list of 10 scenes from botched movie robberies. The results are sometimes funny and sometimes tragic, but always extremely and uncomfortably tense: http://www.alwayswatching.org/features/top-ten-great-scenes-movie-robberies-gone-wrong - Thanks David!

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Hands down, "Dog Day Afternoon". This movie is still quoted and parodied. I was watching a British sit com where there was a bank being robbed, and what did the robbers ask for? A helicoptor, food, and a plane.

I think my husband is the only person in the free world that doesn't like this movie.

"I'm dyin' here..."
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Snatch and Dog Day Afternoon would have been my choices. I was pleased to see them already in the list!

"When the Devil Knows You're Dead" was a good one. It was also an edge-of-your-seat "cringe-inducing" film. I saw it two months ago and I'm STILL CRINGING.
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Reservoir Dogs is my pick for one of the best, though they don't really show what happened in the store, only when they are fleeing.

One of my recent favorites is 'When the Devil Knows You're Dead.'
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