WWII Star Wars Action Figures

If the story of Star Wars had been set in World War II, these would be the action figures sold to support the movies. This set of action figures was customized by Sillof. Yes, he could’ve cheated and substituted Indiana Jones for Han Solo, but he didn’t. See the collection at Gizmodo. Link

Also see Sillof’s Steampunk Star Wars figures. Link

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I think that the translation of Star Wars into other eras and/or cultural influences (i.e. 1942, samurai, etc.) speaks to the archetypal strength of the characters and mythic basis of the story.
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What a clever idea, and well executed, imo (though I must say I'm unclear as to why Chewie would be wearing clothes back in WWII - more uptight 'decency standards' at the time, perhaps?). I love that Luke's lightsaber is plugged into that power pack on his back, that was a neat little touch ... sure hope he can unplug it to use it, though!
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