41-year-old Garrett A. Dalton of Naugatuck, Connecticut entered a radio station contest to win Hannah Montana tickets last year. He had to run a 40-yard dash in high heels carrying an egg on a spoon. The bad news: he didn’t win. The worse news: he was recognized on a TV news report. Authorities say Dalton was collecting workman’s compensation at the time for an injury that made him unable to work, and he is now under prosecution for fraud. Link -via Fark
(image credit: iirraa)
(image credit: iirraa)
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I do hope those tickets were for his kids...if not...I'm scared...
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Can he somehow blame Wal-Mart for this?
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that is what he gets. The art of the intelligent criminal.
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I hope they go easy on him. He was clearly trying to win the tickets FOR HIS KIDS who may possibly miss out on treats like this because their dad is on welfare.
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what a flipping idiot!
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