Is Your Child a Tagger?

Is your child a tagger? The City of Santa Ana, California, published this handy-dandy guide for parents to determine whether your kid is a graffiti vandal. Tips include:

Your child has large quantities of “Hello My Name Is” stickers, priority mail stickers, or number or letter stickers. These stickers may have drawings or a tagging moniker written on them. These stickers are used to “slap tag.” They are slapped upon a surface and are difficult to remove and generally leave a residue.

Your child has or carries a black artist notebook that contains tagging or drawings. These books are called “bibles” or “piece books.”

Link - via ectoplasmosis

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Well im a graffiti artist , and i admit, i think tagging is fucking ugly and messes shit up, and yea you should cathch the kids who tag around dressed like that because there too stupid to outsmart the system. and I think ive matured and realized tagging is bad unless you put work and effort into in and make your shit cold. If u hardly practice, and it isnt a big part of your life, then give it up , your making guys like me look bad..
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@ tags mcgee, "DAK", tagger, angle and ACR guy - I'm a real artist - one who puts my own money up for a canvas or a piece of wood or whatever so i can paint on it then try and sell it. grafitti is beautiful and i dig it but i'm tired of paying my hard earned money to clean it up. tagging, on the other hand, is for f**king gang banging losers who have no life whatsoever! put your glocks away, and your pens and spray cans and do something other than impregnate your loser tagging neighbors.
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