"Box": Carton Boxes Take Over the World

"Box" is a fantastic yet slightly creepy short film about carton boxes and how they're going to take over the world ...

Great special effects! Hit play or go to %3Cdiv%3E%3Cobject%20width=%22420%22%20height=%22339%22%3E%3Cparam%20name=%22movie%22%20value=%22http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/xcut6%22%20/%3E%3Cparam%20name=%22allowFullScreen%22%20value=%22true%22%20/%3E%3Cparam%20name=%22allowScriptAccess%22%20value=%22always%22%20/%3E%3Cembed%20src=%22http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/xcut6%22%20type=%22application/x-shockwave-flash%22%20width=%22420%22%20height=%22339%22%20allowFullScreen=%22true%22%20allowScriptAccess=%22always%22%3E%3C/embed%3E%3C/object%3E%3Cbr%20/%3E%3Cb%3E%3Ca%20href=%22http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/xcut6%22%3Ebox%3C/a%3E%3C/b%3E%3Cbr%20/%3E%3Ci%3Eby%20%3Ca%20href=%22http://www.dailymotion.com/sabotage%22%3Esabotage%3C/a%3E%3C/i%3E%3C/div%3E [Dailymotion] - via Modulator

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Always carry a box cutter, at least. I suspect that behind their bland bureaucratic faces, TSA agents are actually cardboard. Or at least sympathizers.

Be ready when the paper ones come…
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That was awesome! :D The special effects were top notch, the creepy music really sold it, and the boxes acting like spores...genius! It also brings nightmares of when I used to work in a warehouse full of carton boxes and everywhere you looked THEY would be there. Staring. Judging. Plotting... O_o
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