lowercase L is a blog dedicated to the misuse of the letter L. Blogger William Levin explains:
I have noticed that, when people create handwritten signs, they sometimes choose to capitalize every letter except the...
George the parrot lost a leg 18 months ago when he was attacked by an unidentified wild animal. Since then, he’s had a hard time getting any sleep, as he tries to balance on one foot. It’s even driven him to swearing...
You'll forgive me, please, for breaking one of my own rules and posting something political here on Neatorama. I am indeed one of the sinister coastal liberal elite, a New Englander programmed at the University of Cal...
This is what you get when you have high-priced Madison Avenue ad-men, who probably never ride the bus in their entire lives, design an bus advertisement:Found at Say No to Crack blog (with more unfortunately placed ads):...