Secret Chamber of the Kremlin

The Secret Chamber of the Kremlin is the oldest Russian museum that house thousands of the rarest and most historic treasures of the Russian Empire. Here are just a few of the items displayed online so we don't have to trek all the way to Moscow to see them:

Bible of Ivan the Terrible, a gift to the Cathedral of the Annunciation

The 16th century Throne of Ivan the Terrible, carved out of ivory and gilded wood

Hat of Monomakh
The Orient, late 13th-early 14th century.
Gold with filigree, pearls and precious stones. Sable.

The Hat of Monomakh, the most ancient crown of the Russian tsars, is one of the best-known exhibits of the Armory Chamber. This marvelous work of art is connected with important stages in the history of the Russian state.

This crown of pure gold is adorned with delicate filigree and striking emeralds, rubies, and pearls. It is topped by a cross, and the bottom is rimmed in sable. According to legend, it was sent, along with other insignia of imperial power, by the Byzantine Emperor Constantine Monomakh to his grandson, Prince Vladimir of Kiev. According to existing documents, the Hat of Monomakh was first employed at the coronation of the grandson of Ivan III, Tsar Dmitry, in 1498. It was last used in 1682 at the coronation of Tsar Ivan Alexeyevich, the elder brother of Peter the Great. (Source)

Link - Thanks Zoomaster!

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it's incredibly difficult to get tickets to the end of our trip, we had figured out the "system" (they keep sending you to a different line and then claim to be "out" of tickets). They also have all the coronation's amazing how tiny those people were! Except Peter the Great of course...he was gianormous...something like 6'7"
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