A Valentine's Day Massacre: Shooting at Northern Illinois University

Earlier today, a student opened fire in a lecture hall at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Ill in a new Valentine's Day massacre:

The shooting took place during an introductory geology class at the university's Cole Hall in the campus center around 3:15 p.m. local time. Some 163 students were registered for the class.

"The assailant began firing into the assembled class from the stage — from the front," Peters said.

He described the incident as a "very brief rapid-fire assault that ended with the gunman taking his own life."

My heart goes out to the victims and their family - it's a senseless, crazy tragedy.


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My husband earned his master's degree at NIU. These shootings are starting to hit a little too close to home. :(

And I agree, this isn't "neat." However, I did appreciate Alex's empathy. Thank You.
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It's true. If he was intent on killing people, he was in a particular state of mind which probably didn't include thinking about the logistics of how many other people had guns, how long it would take for the police to get there etc.
If everyone carried a gun, gun crime now would seem insignificantly low.
If noone carried a gun, we don't know how many people he would have killed.
There are arguments on both sides, so lets not get into that one.
But morally, is it right to shoot someone who's shooting others? Does it not make you as bad/debased as the person doing the shooting to begin with?

It's all a question of angles...
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hey stupid person what do you think stopt him?
thats right a gun + there are many types of criminals
some might think 2 some may not

but dont go comparing guns to drunk driving
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Do you really think people who massacre do the math about the likelihood of their victims having guns? He stopped when he felt he'd taken enough lives, and then killed himself. Not one person in that room could have stopped him from killing those people in the time that it would take to react, get your own gun out, take aim, and fire. Oops, and fire, drat - winged him...

Maybe we'd have a lot less accidents from drunk driving if everybody drove drunk, too.
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