Police Found Crack in Man's Butt

Best headline EVAR! Here's the story: After receiving a tip that drug deal was happening, Washington D.C. police raided a downtown home.

There, they found a man named Pierre Lynch, hiding 15 plastic bags of crack cocaine in his buttocks.

So naturally, the press had a field day with the title. Why, it practically wrote itself: Link - via Look at This ...

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This reminds me of a tattoo I saw at a biker rally in Maine. It was right above a mans ass crack (a really large hairy biker man mind you) It read (i swear this is true) "Crack Sinks" Yes, in this case it does.
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its probably not that unusual, i bet lots of dope dealers hide their drugs in their butt. i had a friend that used to deal coke, he was in his car and a cop got behind him (no pun intended) he got scared and swallowed the dope but he didnt want it to dissolve in his stomache so he went home n took a bunch of laxatives. he ended up crapping it out, it was still in the bag so he sold it lol. somebody bought his butt crack haha!! yeah he's in jail now..go figure..
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