
Who needs a shower stall when you’ve got Pluviae? A great design for a minimalist bathroom, or a very small space for one, from Matteo Thun & Partners. -via Ursi’s Blog

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I like the idea, but i agree with the whole air current versus curtain argument. I think the curtain would end up sticking to you unless you had anchors in the bottom... of some kind to make it lay correctly;even then who knows... and yep it's a little depressing looking... but again I think in a better setting it would be nice.
Oh the soap, shampoo etc go on one of those hanging things against the wall :) lol
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I can't think of a shower I'd less like to have! it seems like you's smack into the curtain any time you moved your arms about, and I have to wonder how the hot air/ cold air dynamics in the room would make the curtain behave (probably somehow it would end up clinging to you. lol).

Also, it just kind of feels 'exposed' and depressing. I dunno why.

Hmm.. that makes me wonder.. remember that 'port-o-potty' that they built in the UK (I think) that was made of 2-way mirrors on all sides? so no one could see in but the person inside could see everything and everyone outside? How about a shower-nook with that material on most sides of it, perhaps for a house surrounded by a nice view (like a forest)? That might be cool.
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Dan: If true, why does it not lose its heat while traveling the 100 ft from the hot water heater to the shower head? Or, in the case of my sister-in-law who lives on the 40th floor, the 500 ft? Even if there was a concern, $2.00 of insulation from Home Depot would solve the problem.

This is an awesome, inspired design.
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A: I thought of this idea years ago in my powerwashable bathroom concept.
B: The shower is a testament to inefficiency since the hot water goes through the shower curtain and emerges nice and cold through the shower head... Maybe they can make it even more inefficient by adding fins to it so no matter what you do to the valve, you get a cold shower.
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