Guerilla Gardening, like its name suggest, is an illicit act of planting and cultivation of greeneries in neglected urgan areas. Well, mostly that - there is also a little bit of subversion going on, as exemplified by the piece above:
Portland, Oregon, USA:
As she walked past America's oldest Mercedes dealership Sandy could not help but accidentally confuse their three pointed star logo for the similar shaped fork logo of the international peace movement (designed by Gerald Holtom in 1958 for the Campaign For Nuclear Disarmament.) So she decided to turn her imagination into reality by doing some guerrilla gardening Matching the box hedge (Buxus semperviren) she added in an extra row late on Sunday 18 March 2007 which happened to be almost four years since the US invasion of Iraq.Her intervention remained in front of the car show room for three weeks until a gardener removed it. Sandy found where her bush had been dumped and put it back, where it lasted for another fortnight. Eventually Mercedes had enough of it and cleared it away, and Sandy decided she had made her point. The image ... show the logo before and after the dig.
"She didn’t really destroy anything, she added something that could be removed.
Any less uptight company would leave it there and use it to show how “cool” and caring company they are."
Except the part where she destroyed the landscaping that the dealership paid to put in and maintain. That the dealership had to take the time to schedule and pay for a landscaping company to remove the "guerilla" shrubbery, replace the displaced PH balanced groundsoil and probably put down new groundcover (cedar bark, would be my guess) and likely pay for fertilizer to boot. Not to mention labor. TWICE! And after that, the dealer removed it because the were worried about FURTHER vandalism, which I'm sure she would have kept on doing.
And why would this company leave her vandalism in? Not only would it validate her feelings about defacing private property, but it would encourage her to continue the behavior. Benz isn't a 'cool' and 'caring' company. They don't sell Peace, they sell cars. CARS!
All so this stupid woman could make her "statement"...which is what exactly? Oh that's right, she didn't make one. She made about as much statement as some frathouse would have made by turning the benz symbol into a giant shrubbery wang.
I'm sure if Sid does something "inspiring", it will be legal, and not damaging to anyone else's property.
Like I said, if this chick needs to "prove a point", she can put up all the peace symbols she wants on her own property. If she can't, well, she can always ask someone who owns property for permission first.