Archive for December 18th, 2007

Technology Stickers

These handy stickers will increase the visual appeal of many different items. If you happen to take them to any big box electronics stores, please bring your camera and post pictures in the Evil Mad Science Auxilia...

The Whoville Register: What's your Grinched name?

It's Christmas Eve in Whoville, and has a "Who-name" generator. From the link, click "Enter site" at the bottom, and then drag the magnifying glass over to "City Hall" on the upper left hand...

iPond: Cool or Cruel?

The iPond is an iPod accessory the combines a speaker with a tiny aquarium! A single fish lives in about 650 millilitres of water. It’s all the rage in Australia, but some consider it animal cruelty. RSPCA spokesm...

Son's Punishment is Profitable

An unidentified father was proud of himself when he scored a hard-to-find Wii Guitar Hero game, just what his 15-year-old son wanted most for Christmas. When he came home from shopping, he caught his son smoking pot in t...

5 Drinking Stories That Put Yours To Shame

Mental_floss has a collection of outrageous drinking stories involving sailors, patriots, pioneers, and even elephants! Don’t miss the story of the town that was flooded by beer. It even sparked a riot at the local hos...

Stormtroopers Arrest Santa!

An Imperial Stormtrooper commando broke into Santa's Factory on the North Pole yesterday evening, killing an undetermined number of elves, arresting the owner and confiscating his sled. Joe Kwazansky, local spokesm...

Web 2.0 Logos

What of someone redesigned old and familiar corporate logos in Web 2.0 style? Someone did, and the results range from meh to unsettling to downright funny. Link -via the Presurfer...

Old Man Goes Nuts At Car Wash.

Old man goes nuts at a car wash because he lost his glasses according to police report. And the whole thing was captured by CCTV. Link: Youtube Car, Crazy, CCTV...

The Top Ten Stupid Criminals of 2007

A policeman’s job is never easy, but dumb criminals make it somewhat easier. This list was whittled down from a much longer list of stories of the stupid things lawbreakers did this past year. These are in chronologica...

Caption Monkey 17: Jumping Santa

Photo: Toast to Life [Flickr]Yay! It's time for this week's Neatorama and Hobotopia's Caption Monkey contest! Funniest caption wins a Free Monkey (or any other animal) drawing by Ape Lad of Hobotopia. Co...

Astronomy Pictures of the Year

The editors of the Astronomy Picture of the Day have listed their 12 favorite images of 2007. There was certainly no shortage of breathtaking images to choose from -- with robotic cameras orbiting Mars and rollin...

Rodent Of Unusual Size

A three-pound rat was found in the Foja Mountains of western New Guinea, Indonesia. Experts think it may be a previously-unknown species. It is five times the size of regular city rats, and has no fear of humans. That...

The Many Faces of Joker

Take a look at Why So Serious? The Many Faces of Joker, with images spanning from the first comic book to feature the character in 1940 to Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight. This one is from the 1988 graphic novel The Ki...

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