Santa Lives in Kyrgyzstan

We've posted a story about Santa living in Finland, but according to Swedish engineers, that's wrong.

Santa, they concluded after an exhaustive calculation of what's required for the jolly fat man to deliver presents to kids all over the world, lives in Kyrgyzstan:

"We estimated that there are 48 people per square kilometer on Earth, and 20 meters between each home. So if Santa leaves from Kyrgyzstan and travels against the Earth's rotation he has 48 hours to deliver all the presents," Anders Larsson of Sweco tells AFP.

That's assuming Rudolph and the other reindeer hurtle through the air at 3,604 miles per second, or 13 million mph.

The researchers concluded that Kyrgysztan was the most efficient spot from which to start the jolly fellow's global delivery service.


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Doesn't Christmas arrive in New Zealand first?

If I were Santa I would live there so it's nearer to go to work.

(Unless the researchers think he has to keep going back home to reload the sleigh)

Alternatively I might live at the South Pole (and summer at the North Pole)
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Well, Swede's have always been jealous about our Finnish Santa. Before Kirgizia, like we transliterate it, came muslim majority it was part of Russia and thus atheist and I think Santa was banned then.
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