Archive for November 2007

Cat Spa

Now you can have your cat saying "I'm thankful for my Spa" for next Thanksgiving. When introduced to the Cat Spa, most cats react immediately approaching it, rubbing or rolling on it, or biting on the gum st...

Meltdown Chair

British artist Tom Price created these "meltdown chairs" out of polypropylene rope by heating and pressing a seat-shaped form into the material.This chair is created by heating and pressing a seat-shaped fo...

UC Berkeley Marching Band Goes 16-Bit

Here's a fantastic clip of the UC Berkeley (my alma mater, yay!) marching band paying tribute to video games. How many video games references do you recognize? Hit play or go to

Vinny Van Goat

We've featured Patz Fowle's ceramic creations before, but this one is so cool we can't pass it up: Vinny Van Goat, a half man half beast work of art that looks like a cross between Vincent Van Gogh and Patz' neighbor's g...

Bizarro: Inner Child vs. Outer Child

You know you're part of American pop culture when you're a clue on Jeopardy! So, congratulations to Dan Piraro whose cartoon Bizarro was the clue on Tuesday's Jeopardy! game (the contestant got it right...

Taiwanese Firm Hosts Employee Lingerie Day.

In celebration of an exceptional launch of new camisoles, a Taiwanese lingerie company decided to make November 21st "Camisole Day". All 500 women working at corporate headquarters were encouraged to wear ...

Partial Mermaid Skeleton T-Shirt

Available for purchase at Etsy (one in stock as of this moment). You can see more of my Etsy finds here, and more t-shirt finds here. And here's more Mermaid posts....

Baby Bats

A colony of fruit bats in northern Queensland was invaded and destroyed by poisonous ticks. Several baby bats were rescued and are being raised by staff at an animal rescue center. Follow the link to see a half-dozen ado...

Plush Badger

It’s the perfect gift for the internet freak in your family: a plush badger. Only £19.99 from Weebl’s Stuff. Link to product. Link to video. -via b3ta...

Big Catch Doesn't Pay

While fishing for squid, Roger Nowell caught a 1,125 pound thresher shark, believed to be the largest ever caught. Mr Nowell, 41, said: “We’d only been out for a few minutes and we bought the net up to have a l...

Wind Dam

The Wind Dam is a proposed energy project by Chetwood Associates. The sail is 25 meters high and 75 meters wide, and funnels the wind into a turbine. If the project is approved, the wind dam will be built in a gorge ne...

Four Actors Puzzle

Solve this logic puzzle and win lunch! Coudal Partners challenges you to figure out the identity and activities of four actors sitting at a table. You have eight clues. In my opinion, bragging rights would be an even bet...

Paper Turkeys

(YouTube link) This time-lapse video is cute enough to post even after Thanksgiving! -via Viral Video Chart...

World's Smallest Teapot

What you see above is the world's smallest teapot, created by the 73-year-old Chinese master potter Wu Ruishen. The small piece of art weighs only 1.4 grams. Link - via Diggteapot...

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!

Today's Thanksgiving Day and I'd like to take a minute to celebrate this wondefully non-denominational and non-commercial (well, except for having to buy a turkey!) holiday.I have a lot to be thankful for. I'm thankful f...

Cocktail Umbrella Lamps

Lush Collection is a lightnings series where the products have been created using cocktail umbrellas. But wait, there's more - they are dipped in phosphorescent paint, which makes them glow in the dark. http://brig...

Weird Animations by Cyriak

If you've ever been on Fark or SomethingAwful forums, you've seen those looping GIF animations. Well, Cyriak Harris took it to a whole 'nuther level with this animation and background music. A few of the bits made me...

Origami CD Case

If you're giving a CD or a DVD as a Christmas present, here's a nifty trick you can do to make the gift wrap just as interesting as the actual gift. Sent in by Neatorama reader Philip Chapman-Bell, who wrote:This is...

What is It? Game 46

This week's collaboration with What is It? Blog brings us this strange contraption: can you guess what it is? (And no, it's not a magic lamp!)Place your guess in the comment section - you can guess as ma...

The Castle Builders

Scattered throughout the world, there are a small handful of castles made by non-architects, constructed without a team of workers, and with very little money. All the castles presented below were built by a sin...

Fictional Weapons

When it’s completely made up, your weapon can do anything. Wizard Universe counts down the 50 greatest fictional weapons of all time. Surprisingly, the light saber ranked at only #4.

Girl To Have 'Spare' Arm Removed

Ren Xin, 11, will have the extra limb removed by surgeons in Beijing next week. Chinese media has reportedly quoted doctors as saying that there had been less than 20 cases of similar conditions reported around the natio...

Elf Yourself and Scrooge Yourself

OfficeMax brought you Elf Yourself for Christmas last year. This year, they’ve expanded the application to include your friends! You can upload pictures of up to four people and turn them all into elves. And they’v...

Was the First Controlled Experiment Actually in the Bible?

One of the first - if not the very first - controlled experiments was actually described in the Bible. In the Book of Daniel, the prophet Daniel tested the effects of eating simply (a diet of pulse or lentils and other s...

Kitty Conversation

(YouTube link) These two cats seem to be having a very important conversation. Lucky for us, YouTube user klaatu42 has provided the English version. (YouTube link)...

The Miracle Tree

The Moringa Tree, known by many names including the Miracle Tree, is edible, nutritious, and has medicinal properties. The seeds can even purify water! No wonder it’s now cultivated in Third World countries. http://pea...

No, It’s Not Butter

The butter-substitute product I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter was a funny enough name, but as the product caught on, knockoffs followed. In order to piggyback on the original product’s fame, these other spreads hav...

Bugs you can eat.

Tarantulas, grasshoppers, and scorpions are just the beginning of insects you can eat. Why do you think they call them “mealworms”? Link -via Ursi’s Blog...

Lupercale: Romulus and Remus Cave

Italian archaeologists have just discovered a cave believed to be Lupercale, the long-lost mythical cave of Romulus and Remus:An underground cavity decorated with seashells, colored marble mosaics and pumice stones w...

Hmmm ... Homer Cake!

Serious Eats blog have two truly awesome cakes inspired by Homer of The Simpsons: the first one featured the big guy drooling in a coma-like stupor, no doubt induced by too many sprinkled donuts and Duff beer. T...


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