Clip #1 YouTube Link
Clip #2: YouTube Link (New scenes @ 1:25)
Either these guys have unbelievable can throwing skills (and lots and lots of tries) or someone has mad video-editing skills! Check out these two clips and let the debate of real/fake start ... Thanks Chris!
Update 11/10/07: Here's another one, made by Neatorama reader Momillo from Mexico: Link [YouTube] - Thanks Momillo!
You'll need to speak German or French, for those are the langages of the different news/shows the throwers are in.
Just a matter of trial and error (and error, and error and error ;) and a little bit of training too, they can toss better than the average guy.
Wally here sounds like he's at least barking up the right tree.
And where has this been seen before? I missed it.