Qtoro: Addictive Trivia Website

If you like trivia, you'd want to check out Qtoro. The website challenges you to a game of trivia, where you get points for answering correctly within an alloted time.

There's a lot of trivia sites on the Net, but Qtoro is pretty awesome: the Flash Javascript interface is slick and the questions are pretty fun. But it's maddening to see how some users have upwards of 19,000 points!

http://www.qtoro.com [Flash] - Thanks Ben, great job of creating Qtoro!

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Could it be more US biased do you think?

14 seconds to answer questions about sprotsmen in sports not played anywhere in the world apart from the US.

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Yup, originally, we used Flash for the timer, but it ended up causing more headaches than it was worth, so now it's Javascript all the way, baby. Hope y'all enjoy Qtoro... and please let us know if you have any ideas to make it more fun!

Alex, thanks a ton for helping us spread the word.
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