An octopus has three hearts. Two hearts to pump blood through each of its two gills, and a third one to pump blood through its body.
In honor of today's International Cephalopod Awareness Day, here's today's octopus trivia:
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janey simmons... why don't you go comment things like that on celebrity gossip or something.
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i heard octupuses have 3 tenticles~....ewwww and three eye! omg is this true? sorry i'm not an octupus nerd so i don't know...however i can tell you how many boyfriends angelina jolie has had
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i watched about it awhile ago..Octopus has 3 hearts..but i have question,where those hearts located?
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did u get that octopus graphic from the church of the flying spaghetti monster?
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Neat trivia! Thanks Jason and Marc L!
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