Archive for October 8th, 2007

MisterDisc - Portable Music with Style.

In 1983, there weren't many portable music options. The Walkman had only been out for a few years, CDs were just in their infancy, and most people owned a large collection of records. Audio Technica's Mister Disc w...

Rubik's Cube Championships

The World Rubik’s Cube Champioinship was held this past weekend in Budapest, the puzzle’s birthplace. Yu Nakajima of Japan won by solving his cube in 12.46 seconds! However, the world record is still held by Frenchma...

Advertising - Steve Ballmer Style.

If you have ever wondered what possessed Bill Gates to select his rather oafish friend Steve Ballmer to lead Microsoft, the secret it is now out. Hit play, or go to the link, to see a younger Steve Ballmer display his...

Trivia: How Many Hearts Does an Octopus Have?

In honor of today's International Cephalopod Awareness Day, here's today's octopus trivia: An octopus has three hearts. Two hearts to pump blood through each of its two gills, and a third one to pump blood through its bo...

Octopus Camouflage

In the spirit of "International Cephalopod Awareness Day" here's a fun clip of an octopus changing colors. Truly amazing animals. P.S. Happy ICAD Miss Cellania! Youtube Link...

Devil's Rope Barbed Wire Museum

Neatorama reader Rich B. is on the 87th day of his Great American Roadtrip when he saw this: Devil's Rope Museum in McLean, Texas. The museum is dedicated to everything barbed wire: Link - Thanks Rich!Previously...

Mattias Adolfsson's Moleskine Sketches

Swedish artist and illustrator Mattias Adolfsson creates wonderful sketches on his Moleskine sketchbook - he has just completed (cover to cover) his seventh book!Link to Mattias' blog where you can gawk at his fantastic...

Acoma Snake Pottery

That's a gorgeous pottery snake done by artist Mary Small (1994) in the style of Acoma Pueblo: The Acoma Pueblo is believed to be the oldest continuously inhabited community in the United States, occupied since the 1...

Day of the Octopus

October 8th is (unofficially) International Cephalopod Awareness Day! Ceph·a·lo·pods are marine mollusks like squid, octopus and cuttlefish, characterized by well-developed eyes and sucker-bearing tentacles. T...

Large File

Would you believe a 65 foot tall filing cabinet? This was built by artist Sam Yates in 2000 in California. Yes, there are things filed in it! See more pictures at Deputy Dog.

Dish Sculpture

Dam Sen Cultural Park in Vietnam has a collection of sculptures made from ceramic dishes and flatware! Link -via Dump Trumpet...

Little Trees Kids Costume

I'm not sure why of if anyone in the world would want to dress up their 3-9 months old kids in Little Trees car freshner costumes, but it is possible. Link - Rare Bird Finds via BB-Blogkids, costume...

The Weirdest Insects in the World

There are over a million described species of insects, and even more that haven’t been studied. A little research indicates they are all strange in different ways. It was not easy to pick a dozen for this list...

One Hundred Young Americans by Michael Franzini

They sleep in our houses, eat the same dinner, breathe the same air, yet teenagers have lives so different than most adults that they might as well be aliens. Sure, we've all gone through that awkward adolescent stage an...

WebCam Software Can Discern Gender and Age

You can decline to state your age but you can't hide from this new facial recognition software from Omron Corp: it can tell the sex and age of people!A computer screen displays the sex and age of people as determined...

Ad for Fling Chocolate: Forever is Overrated

The newest ad campaign for Masterfoods Australia's Fling chocolate updates the fairy tale of love: instead of falling in love and living happily forever after, the princess says "buh bye" to the prince and eats...

Small World Photomicrography Contest Winner: Double Transgenic Mouse

This image of a double transgenic mouse embryo by Memorial Sloan Kettering Institute researcher Gloria Kwon, done using widefield microscopy and red and green fluorescence, won Nikon's 2007 Small World Photomicrography C...

Needle Felted Mario

Etsy seller poorlulu has a neat item for sale: a needle felted Mario and his ladder, as well as Donkey Kong and his barrel!Link - via GeekAlertsSee also: Neatorama's 10 Mario Fun Facts...

The Hammer Juggler

How many hammer does a juggler need to drive in a nail? Find out the answer in this neat little trick (don't try it at home, kids!)Link (embedded video)...

Miss Cellania Explains the Deep South

Today's theme at Miss Cellania is Down South, where she explains everything y'all would want to know about the Deep South: The first Southern statement to creep into a transplanted Northerner's vocabulary is...

Joy Kampia's Hamburger Dress

Artist Joy Kampia specializes in crocheted sculpture and wearable art. Like her creation to the left: the Hamburger Dress!Link (larger pic) | Joy's website...

Body Mouse by Chris Lomaka

Yes, it's just CGI, but Chris Lomaka's Body Mouse is still very creepy! Link - via Random Good Stuff...

Tippi, the Namibian Jungle Girl

Tippi Degré's parents moved from France to the wilderness of Namibia when she was just a little baby - for 10 years, Tippi wandered the busy barefoot, making friends with all sorts of wild animals like leopards, m...

Riverdance Monkeys

I couldn’t help but laugh at this remix of an Arby’s ad! Push play or go to YouTube. -via the Presurfer...

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