Coffee is the world's second largest item of international commerce. The first item? Petroleum.
If you think about it, both are just different types of fuel.
What is caffeine doing to you? Find out at Neatorama's Caffeine Facts article.
Coffee is the world's second largest item of international commerce. The first item? Petroleum.
If you think about it, both are just different types of fuel.
What is caffeine doing to you? Find out at Neatorama's Caffeine Facts article.
1. Scientific and technological advancement is driven by the work of graduate students in our many universities.
2. Grad students subsist on a diet largely consisting of ramen noodles and coffee.
3. Our nation's prosperity depends on a continuous flow of new technologies.
It was clear to me that the "fuel" of prosperity, Ramen noodles and coffee, are vital materials, and that we should take steps to ensure their uninterrupted supply. Therefore, I proposed that the U.S. invade and annex Japan and Brazil.