Outlook Crash ntdll.dll Error

Talking about email annoyances, a few days ago one of our computers got a big problem: Microsoft Outlook crashed repeatedly with a mysterious ntdll.dll error.

Rebooting, re-installing Outlook, installing a myriad of Microsoft patches - all failed to solve the problem. At the time, scouring Google for this particular problem didn't help: there was no helpful hint on how to solve the problem.

Here's how to solve it: turns out it was a Cloudmark spam filter (plugin) installed on that particular computer - we had to uninstall the software manually (some people said that all they had to do was rename this folder: c:\documents and settings\YourUserName\Local Settings\Application Data\Cloudmark into something else like ...\Cloudmark-Bad).

After close to a year of trouble-free service, the Cloudmark people did something dumb: they did an automatic update that contained a bad bit of mojo. And the terrible thing is CloudMark's website had no clear announcement of the problem (and when they did announce it, they buried this bit of bad news in the Download section - and this news is gone as of today!)

Moreover, CloudMark never sent us any email alerting us of this problem (we have other computers without the software that can get emails fine. Of course, logically, if that's your only PC then you have to use another email client to fetch your emails).

Grr! Bad Cloudmark! Bad!

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I had this same problem with Outlook Express crashing when you create,reply, or try to fwd email. It would appear to be trying to create multiple emails *(ghosting), then lock up and crash. The error report was showing the problem being the ntdll.dll. I exhausted all suggestions
1.Resinstalled SP2
2.Reinstalled IE7
3.Removed all anti-spam programs
4.Tried applying every patch I could find on the microsoft web site that might apply
5.Repaired database
6.Created a new identity
NONE worked,
THEN I ran across a forum that mentioned a bad signature file or default stationary set in OE, or 1 that is no longer there.

SURE enuff..fixed it immediately. I had a signature
in mine, and had reinstalled windows, that carried over these settings.
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I ran into cloudmark issues when the workstations had Nod32 installed. The combination of Nod32, Outlook Express, and Cloudmark just did not blend. Fun times…
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We run the server edition here as a service for our exchange2003, and while this error probably wont occur at the server/serice level. It sure is annoying to see, like that whole HP/Winupdate pulldown menu fiasco.

Altho from time to time the service will just shut off for no reason, and then the bosses call and want TPS reports on the why they got 300 junk mails. =D

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