More Google store insanity! This time, a Google Linen Shop in Venezuela, spotted by Flickr user g3rswin - Thanks Guillermo!
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do they have ratzenberger as well??
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I live on Isla Margarita, where that store is, and I'll tell you that intellectual property rights are not well respected here. There are no legitimate CD or DVD stores, just bootlegs. Less than a mile from that google shop is a Cheers restaurant bar that uses the logo from the show and tries to mimic the interior as much as possible.
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If you're going to rip off a name and logo, the least you can do is change the colours...
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Wait a minute, this guy is totally legal, check out the Trademark symbol right next to the Google logo!!! It´s right there, TM! He should sue Google for stealing his bussiness name!
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