Gene Spino created this sobering video clip about smoking:
This is an experiment without tricks nor edits. If you don’t believe what you’re watching, I invite you to try it yourself, so you can see the dramatic results for yourself. Can you imagine where the brown color has gone?
The stain is now in our lungs, and that was just from one inhale.
Image how a pack-a-day smoker’s lungs must look.If you’re wondering why I have a weird voice, it’s because I was a smoker, and now I need a device to speak to you. If you still don’t want to quit smoking, at least think about this: The lungs of our loved ones deserve something better.
Hit play or go to Link [metacafe] - via smoking-video, Thanks queso!
August 8th, 2007 at 8:46 pm
What get’s you so defensive about anti smoking campaigns? The fact that you feel silly for having succumbed to peer pressure and advertising? Or thinkling about how much money you gave to big tabacco? Or is it the sad reaslization that you weren’t all that cool when you were smoking? Are you ashamed that you were a junkie?"
Sounds like that peer pressure and advertising worked well on YOU, my dear. What are you 22? Let me tell your generation something, precious. You're NOT special, you're NOT unique, and NO ONE gives a shit about you.
Grow up and get some life experience before you start criticizing your elders, you little shit.
But I'm a nervous person and I am building an acute oral fixation and, I guess you could say addiction, to cigarettes.
But I tip waiters and waitresses really well, so I'm a good person.