Seven Wonders of the Totalitarian World

Photo: Samir Mezban/AP

As a follow up to the hugely-publicized New 7 Wonders of the World, Esquire compiled their own list of 7 Wonders of the Totalitarian World, after noting that it's usually the deep-pocketed madmen who tend to leave behind the biggest wonders ...

This one's the Hands of Victory in Baghdad, Iraq:

For those who now find themselves wistful about Saddam’s Iraq, there are still plenty of monuments left to remind them of the good times. One of the biggest is “The Hands of Victory,” a pair of arches that constituted the military parade grounds for the end of the Iran-Iraq war. And what wasn’t there to celebrate about a trench war in which over one million people died and was declared a draw?

Link - Thanks John!

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The article does not mention the hundreds of Iranian Army helmets that cover the base of each of the arms. More interesting though, is the final insult to the Iranian soldiers in the form of using their helmets as speed bumps throughout the arena. I was there in May 2003 when the arena was being used as a transient staging area for Coalition troops entering Baghdad.
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Those arms were made in my home town, Basingstoke in the UK.
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Hey, this is a pretty good list indeed! It's nice that they didn't forget our recently discussed Tomb of Lenin. Also, I am gratified that they included Mao's statue in Red China among the Totalitarian Monuments. Too many people cut Red China slack these day because of all the $ to be made through moving and selling their wares. Esquire has kept things honest by lumping the Chicoms where they belong.

Straight talk from Sid.
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