In Kolkata, India a thief pinched a 45,000-rupee (USD 1,118) necklace from a woman and promptly swallowed it when police and local residents caught him.
The Indian police forced Sheikh Mohsin to eat 40 bananas in a few hours hoping they would force him to excrete the gold necklace. They stayed up all night monitoring Mohsin's motions; he visited the toilet three times early and was also forced to vomit but the necklace has failed to appear.
"We will have to look for other stronger purgatives now," the yawning police officer added.
Update: After the failed banana purgative, Monshin was fed a hearty meal that included rice, chicken and local bread. He excreted the necklace in his fifth attempt during the afternoon, and a sweeper was paid 50 rupees (USD 1.00) to fish out the necklace from the poo.
Monshin’s plea for release was denied and he could face three months’ rigorous imprisonment.
Link [Updated] - via Arbroath