52 Influential Photographs

Here's a collection of 52 influential photographs starting from 1827 through the ages and up to 2006. Link - via A Welsh View

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1. I never relealized that "Grace" was a photo and not a painting!
2. "Afghan Girl" is indeed a stunning image. What is really scary, though, is how aged that pretty girl looks now. Google around for a modern pic of her ... she was only about 30 when rephotograped in 2002, but looks about 20 years older. I'm not sure if it is just a hard peasant life in the sun or a little too much "sampling of the local Afghan product". You decide.
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A good list of images...though I have to scratch my head at the LOLCat image. Has it really been that influential? After all it did spawn from the depth of Hell that is 4Chan. *Brrr*
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