Archive for July 27th, 2007

The Pride and joy of a Lion King.

The Daily Mail had a feature story with nice photos of lions and their cubs. This one seemed awfully familiar. Link...

Pulling for Pull!

One of my dearest friends, Chris Johnson, is the keyboardist for one of Raleigh, North Carolina's hottest bands, Pull. The video above is Pull performing Way Too Long, a reggae groove track - my favorite of theirs....

Pizza of Mass Destruction

Yes, those are pigs in a blanket around the outer perimeter. These "Double Roll Pies" are available at Japanese Pizza Huts according to Geeks Are Sexy. And presumably "Double Roll" refers to the waist augmentation that...

Delivering a dime to New York.

John Feigenbaum traveled across country to deliver one coin to an investor. "All the way across the country I didn't sleep,'' Feigenbaum said. "I didn't eat and I didn't sleep. You wouldn't, either.'' Thatââ...

Jumping Spider mating dance.

Jumping spiders use their legs to communicate courtship interests to potential mates. The miniscule impacts of spider legs tapping against the ground surface are detected by nearby spiders. This "drumming" cadence...

Hello Kitty Cat Humiliation System.

Now, YOUR cat can look just like Hello Kitty! But Gizmodo’s product review and Google’s translation from the original Japanese is even funnier than the cat models. Link -va b3ta...

Summer Spirits.

Pink Tentacle links to a creepy, but very artistic, collection of Japanese ghosts in the spirit of the season:Japan [has a] centuries-old tradition of swapping ghost stories [in the summer]. Some argue that the fear...

The Cubes

Tired of being bossed around at work? Now you can be the boss of this tiny office: Finally, the drudgery of corporate life has been captured in a play set for adults! The Cubes™ spend eight hours a day, five da...

Cosmic View: The Universe in 40 Jumps

Here's a fantastic set of scans from Kees Boeke's 1957 book Cosmic View: The Universe in 40 Jumps. We have Mitchell Charity to thank for having this copy of a fantastic book online: Kees Boeke's Cosmic View is a clas...

A Spectrum of Guinea Pigs!

So, this is a spectrum of some of the colors of guinea pigs: cream, saffron, buff, Pink Eye Gold, Dark Eye Gold, and red. They're all cute! Found at bivoir [Flickr]...

World's Largest Revolver

You're looking at what probably is the largest revolver in the world: a replica of Remington model 1859, by Mr. Ryszard Tobys. It's 1.26 meter (4.13 ft.) long.Link...

Cute Japanese Snowplow Robot

We've seen the Japanese Robotic Dead Body Remover before, here's something more "mundane": Yuki-taro, an autonomous snowplow robot. It "eats" snow, and craps out "hard blocks" as it goes alo...

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