Memorizing a Textbook.

In college, John Place developed a memory technique that helped him memorize 70 full pages (23,000 words) of his psychology textbook! Here's how:

Below is the simpler version of my system, developed to help my pupils pass history, psychology, and other information-heavy tests.

1. First, use a pencil or word processor (I prefer the latter because it’s faster) to type, in complete sentences, any fact you think might appear on the test. Use short sentences because they’re easier to remember.
2. Take your printed notes into a quiet room, shut the door, and eliminate all distractions.
3. Look at the first sentence in your notes and read it out loud. Then, close your eyes and say the sentence without looking at it.
4. Repeat the step above, this time with the first 2 sentences.
5. Next, try it with 3 sentences. Then 4. Repeat until you have memorized every sentence in your notes.

Read the full instruction at John's blog: Link - Thanks ... er, who sent this one in again? Oh, yeah - Thanks Fayyaad!

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I've done something similar to learn the names of a large group. The first person says their name and a fact about them, then each successive person repeats what's gone so far plus their own name/fact:

"My name's Dave and I like gerbils."
"His name's Dave and he likes gerbils. My name's Tara and I wear hats."
"His name's Dave and he likes gerbils. Her name's Tara and she wears hats. My name's Tony and I self-flagellate"

and so on.
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