
Drive your co-workers nuts by hiding the Annoy-A-Tron somewhere in the workplace. The Annoy-A-Tron will emit a beep at maddeningly long intervals, from 2 to eight minutes apart, making it difficult to find the source of the noise. When they find it, they still won’t know what it is! Link -via the Presurfer

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My mom put a motion-detector little sound-making thing in her boss's office, up on top of a tall filing cabinet. Every time her boss opened her door or moved too much, she was rewarded with a "Vroom!" noise. (It was taken out of some cardboard display for some tires or something.)
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Cool! Stick one in an envelope and send it to your favorite politician, then sit back and watch the fun!

On second thought, don't. Or at least don't tell anybody where you got the idea.
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