
Australian documentary director Trevor Graham filmed a day in the life of a homeless person in each of six cities: Sydney, New York, Delhi, Tokyo, Jakarta, and London. The resulting stories are broken into many parts (which you can select individually). You may be surprised at the many ways people can find themselves without a home. http://www.abc.net.au/homeless/ -via Metafilter

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I'm interested in what it like for the street bums in Japan. In the West, it's pretty well understood we have devolved into a soft entitlement society that sees everyone as victims of their own circumstances. Communities that are especially liberal and embracing of this view (San Francisco comes to mind) become panhandler meccas -- tourists can't walk a block w//o being accosted by moochers.

The stereotype is that Japanese (at least older Japanese) are extremely hard working and not many would be too supportive of lazy people mooching off the system, dirtying the streets with their presence, and/or bringing dishonour upon their families. Is this not true? I'd like a response from a native Japanese who can tell us about how "street people" are viewed in Japanese cities and how it differs from in the West. Interesting stuff...
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