Whether you love Arnold Schwarzenegger [wiki] or hate him, you have to wonder how an Austrian action-hero movie star / former Mr. Universe got elected governor of the most populous state in the U.S. without any experience that would qualify him for the job. Connect the dots to find Arnold groping a nearby female, draw a picture of yourself between Arnold and George W. Bush, color in the governor as "Conan the Barbarian", drive a Hummer through a maze from Hollywood to Sacramento, and more. Great drawings, hilarious real quotes that we couldn't make up if we tried!
Text by Manic D Press . Found at Caliroots .
This sort of BoingBoing-like politically-charged post is why I don't go there anymore and come here instead. Please don't go down that road. I don't want to see Hillary or Obama or other lefties covered/pilloried here either. I'm in a different mode when I surf for pop culture, and that is a richer and more inclusive field.