It's a pleasure to welcome a new and mysterious author to Neatorama, who goes by the nom de plume Anita Bath (get it? Just say it a couple of times ... Har de har har!).
While Anita's pretty guarded about her true, secret identity, I do know that Say No To Crack itself was the result of a family gathering two Christmases ago, where her brother's pants kept falling off as he leaned down to get presents off the floor. Everytime, someone yelled "Ughh, say no to crack!" and an idea for a wonderful website was born! (This explains the toilet logo on the blog!)
Anita started Say No To Crack as an experiment to see if it's possible
to create a funny website without crossing the line into bad taste. Given her increasing popularity on the web, I'd say she's definitely on to something!
Welcome to Neatorama, Anita or secret agent lady, or whoever you are!
Wow, I should be careful or the comments here will become one big hugfest. ;)