Kitty Waltz.
An off-camera cat toy and a troupe of matching and interested cats make for a entertaining ballet of sorts! Push play or go to YouTube. -via Ninja Wax... off-camera cat toy and a troupe of matching and interested cats make for a entertaining ballet of sorts! Push play or go to YouTube. -via Ninja Wax... Mad Scientist says we can do a easier version of the “floating on nothing†trick featured in the hexaflourid post. You can actually do a version of this trick at home, using stuff that you either... daughter of this Flickr user wanted a Link (from Zelda) cake for her birthday... This pixel composition is easy but it's that cool! Link (yes, a pun!) - via Urban Retro Style... 1955, Henri-Georges Clouzot filmed Picasso as he painted - the result is a time-lapse photography of the fantastic way Picasso created his artworks. Hit play or go to the explanation here: Link - via Projectionist... his performance art, David Greg Harth stands outside of a McDonald's restaurant in New York City for 2 1/2 hours. With a budget of $600, he treated random customers to their meals, until the manager called in the cop...'s Dieter Markus Stein, setting the new world record for largest common carp hooked and landed, on December 17, 2006 in Germany. Link - via Endless Parade of Excellence... had the gallery of public transport vehicle seat patterns a while ago on Neatorama, but that pales in comparison to the gallery of Las Vegas casino carpets! This one to the left, complete with the abstract unicorn ima... Lamouranne is the "Egg Man" - he creates fantastic artworks using wooden egg as his medium of choice!This one above is 14 Dead Musician Egg Art Sculpture, currently being auctioned at ArtByUs:This one-... at Accordion Guy (with a larger pic - impressive!)... much does the Internet weigh? Russell Seitz of ADAMANT blog calculates: Parts of the original DARPAnet were built like a tank to survive a thermonuclear holocaust. But much post-modern net construction is utterly...'s an eyecandy video I found at Norwood Matt's Stuff on Fire: the SR-71 Blackbird or known by its crew as Habu. How awesome is the plane? 1. Prototypes were flying as early as 1962. 2. It cruises at Mach... Reporters Without Borders, a web page spotlighting the censorships by "13 Enemies of the Internet". You can vote which one you think is the worst. - via Betuman..., after watching this, are you any happier or just annoyed that you've wasted 2 minutes and 38 seconds? Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Cliff Pickover's Reality Carnival... the website: A worker displays a handmade cloth shoe which measures two meters in length as part of a blessing for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games at a shoe factory in Yichang, Central China's Hubei...'s Skype and USB compatible, costs $29.95 and features the latest in IP phones such as data encription, low power consumption and that old fashioned design that makes it a must have for your desktop. Link - via An... women on the sidewalk trying to "catch" clients are actually selling betel nuts. They are Betel Nuts Beauties! Their kiosks are heavily adorned with modern neon lights and they dress in those cute short skirts.... world's first test-tube baby, Britain's Louise Brown [wiki], has become a mother on December 20, 2006 of her own baby son Cameron John Mullinder who was naturally-conceived but born by Cesarean section. Below are sn... The Human Marvel:Tai Djin was born in China in 1849. He was born unique, afflicted with hypertrichosis. Unlike Jo-Jo, who would be born a few decades later, Tai Djin was born into a highly superstitious family.... Skivvies is a website dedicated to (you guessed it) old underwears! They've got some fascinating images, like the old Gotham underwear ad in the early 1900s above.An oldie but goodie: Link - via Mira y Calla... Saga is a funny video by Mark Leung of life in college, done in Final Fantasy style. Hit play or go to Link [YouTube (a loooong clip)] - via Brohans... is an oldie but a goodie: a large collection of logic puzzles, archived and arranged in order of difficulty by William Wu (since Spring of 2002).For instance, take this one called the Cork, Bottle, and Coin (easy):... antlers? Here are some furnitures, chandeliers, and lightings made from antlers: - via growabrain...'s a video clip of the world's first successful machine gun called the Gatling gun [wiki], invented by Richard Jordan Gatling in 1861. Hit play or go to [DailyMo... scambaiter Taryn pulled off this beautiful prank where she tricks Nigerian scammers into painting their faces with butterflies!Links: The Butterfly Bait | Taryn's blog | The Age article - via digg...'s Cellar / Neatorama Image of the Week comes from the art exhibition Floodwall by artist Jana Napoli:"Floodwall" is artist Jana Napoli's responseto Hurricane Katrina, which she lived through in New Or...'s alive! IT'S ALIVE!! This is what happens when you cross a Non-Newtonian Fluid with an 80Hz speaker. I wonder what would happen if you turned it to 11? Now I'm eyeing my husband's old speakers with renewed... photo taken at sunset shows a rainbow and lightning occurring at the same time. A rare and fantastic shot! Link - via Reddit...