Archive for November 27th, 2006

World's Smallest Digg Logo.

Karen created the world's smallest logo with a size of only ~2 microns for his friend Kevin, the Digg founder. “The microscope is a dual-beam focused ion beam/scanning electron microscope. So I milled the word...

World's First Second Life (Virtual) Millionaire.

Meet Anshe Chung, a real-estate tycoon in the online game Second Life, and the first virtual millionaire (her holdings in the game are legally convertible into $1 million in real US currency!)In Second Life, subscrib...

Sandbox Blog Interviews Bizarro Cartoonist.

Neatorama reader Tony Medeiros wrote about Sandbox, his blog that's dedicated to everything-related to comics.I particularly like the interview with one of my favorite cartoonists, Dan Piraro who draws the famous Bizarro...

PMS Survival Tips.

A parody of 1950 government propaganda video. Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]...

Everyday Objects Remade Into Thumb Pianos.

Neatorama reader RP Collier suggested this Flickr photoset of thumb pianos [wiki] made from everyday objects, as "part of an ongoing exploration in sound creation and imaginative re-use" : Link [flickr] - T...

Robert Armstrong's Yowl-A-Lele.

Robert Armstrong makes some fantastic looking ukulele and guitars, including the Yowl-A-Lele above. Here's some more of his work: - via Jaf Project...

Barbed Wire Hat.

This barbed wire hat is just one of many weird exhibits in Delbert and Ruth Trew's museum, called the Devil's Rope Museum, in McLean, Texas. As you may have guessed, the museum is dedicated to barbed wires...Link - via P...

Asteroid's Revenge.

Remember the 8-bit game Asteroid? (maybe this is before your time ...) In this Flash-game called Asteroids Revenge, this time you get to be the asteroid destroying the space ships.Link - via Fazed...

Blind Teen Uses Echolocation to "See."

When Ben Underwood was 2 years old, his eyes were surgically removed because of cancer. Since then, he has somehow mastered echolocation, the way bats and dolphins use sound to navigate.Hit play or go to Link [YouTube],...

Moscow Subway Car "Nailed to the Ground."

English Russia reports in picturesque but readily understandable English:A while ago there was a story about one Moscow city street advertisement agency. What made them famous? Their attempt to install a new str...

That's One Large Computer Monitor.

Need more screen real estate? Siemens has this large computer monitor (made from 8 LCDs). No words on how much it cost. Found at: Link - via diggSee also: DIY Wall of Flatscreen Monitors | LCDs at a Stock Trading Room...

Gold Bar USB Hub.

Ahoy matey! Here's a Japanese gold ingot USB hub (okay, not real gold, but still very cool) that will make your computer desk look like a million dollars: - via Uberg...

Thoughtstream by Boxed Thoughts.

From the website:Boxedthoughts is a collection of thoughts posted by anonymous users. Together, these thoughts form a stream of thought, or a thoughtstream. The thoughtstream represents the flow of thought or thoughts th...

Would You Let a Trojan Horse In?

[]It seems to me that everyone knows about the Trojan Horse [wiki] (a mythical giant wooden horse used by the Greeks during the siege of Troy).But apparently not everyone has learned from histo...

Zombie Portraits: Zombie-fy Yourself.

Neatorama reader JT Pednaud wrote:Canadian illustrator Rob Sacchetto recently drew a few zombie caricature portraits for Halloween and he has now launched a twisted custom portrait service. Really interesting hand il...

Santa's budget problem.

(Parental discretion is advised for this post.) In the competition of Santas, Lapland is doing great, while Greenland has fallen on hard times. The budget for answering children’s letters to Santa has dried up....

Baby Born with Heart Outside of Body.

For this week's Cellar IoTD / Neatorama Image of the Day, we have the story of a medical curiosity:For 33-year-old expectant mother Michelle Hasni, it all started with a her unborn child's incessant hiccups. When her doc...

Vintage Spam Ads.

Before "spam" became synonymous with unsolicited junk emails, Hormel spent some good money advertising this canned food wonder. This Dec 1969 ad in National Geographics boasted how Spam with Lima beans "hi...

New Adhesives Mimic Beetles' Feet.

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute in Munich, Germany have developed a new adhesive material by mimicking the soles of beetles' feet:Potential applications range from protective foil for delicate glasses to reus...

Tune 'n Radio: Radio You "Finish" Yourself.

From wouter Geense Design Studio:The Tune 'n Radio is a FM-radio which people have to finish themselves, in order to make the product functional within their own personal perception.An antenna has to be chos...

99 Bottles of Beer Computer Programs.

99 Bottles of Beer website has a collection of 1,031 programs using various computer languages which all generate the lyrics of the song 99 Bottles of Beer.Here's the program in python:#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- codi...

Gold HP Laserjet Printer.

This gold-plated HP Laserjet printer was made by artist Andres Serrano, and is currently being auctioned off at GITEX, Dubai. Link [in Japanese] - via BornRich...

Peruvian Dig Revealed Ancient Sican "Cemetary City."

Archaeologists in northern Peru discovered a 1,000 year-old "cemetary city", thought to be related to the Sican culture [wiki] which predates the Incan.Of particular interest is the discovery of "tumis&quo...

Snail Telegraph.

Proceedings of the Athanasius Kircher Society has a neat story about 19th-century French occultist Jacques Toussaint Benoit, who believed that he could create a telegraph using snails:Benoit was convinced that any tw...

Evolution of Video Games.

Game developer David Perry made this video clip of the evolution of various genres of video games. Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Look at This ......

Octavio Ocampo's Mouth of Flower

See more of the "hidden image" artworks by Mexican artist Octavio Ocampo here: LinkPreviously on Neatorama: Octavio Ocampo's Family of Birds.Octavio Ocampo...

Ares' Cartoons.

Cuban artist Arístides Esteban Hernández Guerrero (Ares) is an award-winning illustrator. Whether or not you agree with the political undertones of his cartoons (he does do political cartoons in addition to...

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